Paying your business energy bills by Direct Debit takes the hassle out of monthly payments and means you’re less likely to miss a payment. Many of our customers go for this option and enjoy peace of mind knowing that their monthly gas and electricity bills have all been taken care of.
If you’re an existing SEFE Energy customer, we recommend that you pay your bills by Direct Debit in order to reduce the likelihood of possible additional payment charges.
While other payment methods are available, paying your gas and electricity bills by Direct Debit is the simplest way to pay. Each month, payment for the total amount on your bill will be automatically taken from your account, so you needn’t worry about your account going into debt.
That means no more late or failed payments, and the convenience it offers can drastically save on the time usually spent on manually paying for services. And if you need to budget or predict your cashflow, then Direct Debit offers greater control over finances in the long run. What’s more, it’s safe and secure, so fraud and abuse are highly unlikely if you opt for Direct Debit.
*You may request to pay via methods other than Direct Debit. However, failure to pay your bill on time would make you liable to a 40p per day administration charge.
If you’re an existing gas or electricity customer, simply print and complete a Direct Debit mandate form and return it to us. All Direct Debit transactions are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Fax: 0207 756 9789
Post: SEFE Energy, 5th Floor, 8 First Street, Manchester, M15 4RP